Troubleshooting your node

Sometimes unexpected things can go wrong. The log is the best place to go to find out.

Check your logs

If you are wondering what is going on with your node then you should check your logs. To view your logs you can use a few different commands.

View log in real time

tail -f /home/coti/coti-node/logs/FullNode1.log

Get last 100 lines of your log

tail -n 100 /home/coti/coti-node/logs/FullNode1.log

Looking for specific phrases like ERROR as you use the tail command above

To further narrow down your tail command above you may want to hunt for a word like ERROR or COTI FULL NODE IS UP or some other phrase.

To do that just add a pipe and a grep and the word to search for like so:

tail -n 100 /home/coti/coti-node/logs/FullNode1.log | grep "ERROR"

When you use grep, and are looking for a phrase, there may be errors which dont contain the word ERROR so it is not fool proof in that way. Its a good skill to have though knowing how to grep your tail. That sounds a bit wrong eh haha.

Analyse log with a text editor

nano /home/coti/coti-node/logs/FullNode1.log

Example of what a working node looks like

If you somehow do not have a log from the above commands then your node may not even have produced a log yet. Something likely went wrong. The most common issues when users install the node is that they mix up their private key (64 characters long) with their secret key (8-15 characters long). Or, sometimes people use their mainnet keys instead of their testnet keys. Do not do this.

If all else fails run the uninstall and then install again and closely monitor the install script until you see the node behaving like the screenshot above or before that you may see a phrase COTI FULL NODE IS UP.

Need help?

Checkout the discord for node operators here if you need any assistance.

Last updated